Multi Tiered Systems of Support At Heusner
What is MTSS?
MTSS is a coherent continuum of evidence based, system-wide practices to support a rapid response to academic and behavioral needs, with frequent data-based monitoring for instructional decision-making to empower each Kansas student to achieve to high standards.
What We Know...
- The earlier school staff can assess students' needs and identify those with difficulties, the quicker and less expensive the task is to help those struggling learners catch up.
- The longer a student goes without assistance, the longer the remediation time and the more intense the services must be.
- There is emerging evidence that many students who struggle in the early grades cannot catch up if we wait until 3rd or 4th grade to deliver intensive remediation.
Heusner Core Beliefs
We believe in establishing a sense of urgency to identify at risk students earlier and provide effective instruction so that all students reach grade level standards.
- We believe in being prevention oriented - Early identification and early intervention is an essential key for student success.
- We believe change is urgent, intentional, and right for each child.
- We believe that every child can learn and achieve to high standards.
- We believe that learning includes differentiated academics and social skills.
How to achieve our core beliefs:
- Every child will be provided intensive and effective teaching.
- Academic and behavior data will drive instruction and help the team to make informed decisions about what instruction is necessary.
- Interventions will be provided at the earliest identification of need.
- Instruction will be based on research based strategies.
- Resources will be intentionally designed and redesigned to match students' needs.
- Academic and behavior data will be gathered to make informed decisions.
- Every educator will continuously gain knowledge and develop expertise.
- Educators, families, and community members will be part of the practice of effective problem solving and instructional decision making.