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Heusner School and the Heusner Staff are excited to be a part of the reading initiative focused on helping every child reach his/her potential in reading. The Heusner staff recognizes that reading is the most important subject taught in the elementary school years. A solid reading foundation is essential for every child to be successful in school and in life.  After researching best practices for reading, the Heusner staff has developed a reading program for Heusner students including the following key elements:

  • Intensive, early intervention to give kindergartners and first graders a solid reading foundation
  • Students reading at their level with the opportunity to progress at their own rate
  • Small class size for struggling readers
  • Exposure to quality, real literature through oral reading by the teacher to increase vocabulary of readers
  • A rich variety of reading materials at the students’ reading skill level
  • Increased opportunities for increasing reading fluency through partner reading
  • Attention to meaningful vocabulary development related to the reading selection
  • Emphasis on reading comprehension through higher order questioning skills and rich class discussion
  • Exposure to a variety of literature genre
  • Attention to not only narrative selections but also expository, persuasive, and technical reading


How is the Reading Initiative Implemented at Heusner?

Heusner staff has set aside a portion of the school day as an uninterrupted reading instruction time. Whole group instruction where students are exposed to on grade level text and skills. Whole group is with a grade level teacher. Small group reading time is where students are reading text at their instructional level and teachers help students gain missing skills or extending and enriching their skills. Certified teachers including the Title teachers and interrelated special education teachers—join homeroom teachers as reading instructors during the small group time. Increasing the number of reading teachers creates opportunities for students to receive feedback.

Throughout the year each student’s reading level is monitored. Phonics, vocabulary, fluency, accuracy, and comprehension are monitored monthly. Due to the flexible groups, students may be moved to a different level at anytime during the year to match their reading progress.  We ask parents to set aside time at home to read with their child on a daily basis.


If you have questions, contact our Reading coach, JaNae Brin.

JaNae Brin
